Short introduction about PDR specialist’s job

Paintless dent repair (PDR) is a safe and eco-friendly technique for repairing and restoring a vehicle’s body to pre-damage condition. The PDR method is commonly used to remove dents and dings from cars, as well as to repair damage to the car’s exterior caused by natural elements and environmental toxins.

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We offer:

  • Official and registered employment in the Netherlands
  • Health insurance arranged
  • Accommodation arranged
  • No registration fee, no other hidden costs
  • Competitive salary based on your knowledge, experience and suitability
  • Well-equipped, modern work environment


I like to see the end result, from a damaged car to as good as new. I have a lot of interest in cars in general, how they work and how you can repair them the best. I like working for Covebo because the company has good communication, flexibility, nice colleagues.

Jordan Proctor

PDR Specialist
I like to see the end result, from a damaged car to as good as new. I have a lot of interest in cars in general, how they work and how you can repair them the best. I like working for Covebo because the company has good communication, flexibility, nice colleagues.

Jordan Proctor

PDR Specialist

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Born 40 val. Automobiliai

Automobilių paruošėjas dažymui

Kėbulo geometrijos atstatymas

Amsterdam 40 val. Automobiliai
