Short introduction about spot repairer’s job

The name says it all: spot repair, or local repair. The spot repairer sands the damaged part of the bumper or body until the result is even. Filling and polishing is of course done if necessary. The exact color of the paint can be determined using special measuring equipment. The lacquer is applied locally so that there is no color difference.

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We offer:

  • Official and registered employment in the Netherlands
  • Health insurance arranged
  • Accommodation arranged
  • No registration fee, no other hidden costs
  • Competitive salary based on your knowledge, experience and suitability
  • Well-equipped, modern work environment
Coordinators help with all the formalities, very good accommodation, there are good workplaces in which I have worked, good atmosphere.

Dominik Kikut

Spot repairer
Coordinators help with all the formalities, very good accommodation, there are good workplaces in which I have worked, good atmosphere.

Dominik Kikut

Spot repairer

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Hoogeveen, Nyderlandai 40 val. Logistika

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Automobilių paruošėjas dažymui

Born 40 val. Automobiliai

Automobilių paruošėjas dažymui

Kėbulo geometrijos atstatymas

Amsterdam 40 val. Automobiliai
